Book a free consultation

A consultation is required for booking a new tattoo appointment with me, this ensures I can create the best tattoo for you! There will be a pre-populated form in the email when you hit the button below, so please prepare the following information:

  • What do you want tattooed?

  • Where do you want the tattoo to be?

  • Have you been tattooed before?

  • Any photos for reference or images that inspired you for this tattoo, please try to find high quality images, this helps us both!

Preparing for your consulation

During your consultation we will talk through your idea, review your reference material, and start discussing what would work best to make your vision come to life. Please wear clothing that allows me to look at the area you want tattooed, I will likely take photos of the area to make your design fit your body best! I know this can be uncomfortable sometimes, to have someone photographing you, so please communicate with me if there is anything I can do to help you feel safe and comfortable in this process.

Tattooing is a hands on body experience, let’s be open with one another about how to make this a positive experience for you. Consent is an essential part of my work and I am here to help you feel safe.